Last Updated: August 18, 2023


This privacy policy applies to the “How Can I Say” mobile application for iOS and Android ("the App"). We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy.

Data We Collect

The App collects the following anonymous data:

How We Collect Data

These data above are collected anonymously, ensuring that no personal identification is linked with this information.

How We Use Data

We use the collected data, including user-entered questions, AI answers, usage statistics, and error logs, to investigate issues when the App crashes or malfunctions, and to improve the overall functionality and user experience.

Where We Store Data

The anonymous data collected by the App are stored securely within Firebase's infrastructure. Firebase, a product of Google, utilizes robust security measures and complies with relevant data protection regulations to ensure the safe storage and handling of this data.

User Choices and Opt-Out

We provide you with options to control the data we collect. Since the data we collect, including error logs, usage statistics, user-entered questions is anonymous, it cannot be deleted upon a user's request. However, you have the ability to opt out of data collection by using the "Data Collection" toggle located in the Settings page on the App.

Data Security